Real Food Cooking Made Super Simple



Become a wildly consistent healthy eater, save money, and love mealtime.



Say Goodbye To Rigid Recipes And 

Hello To Intuitive Cooking

Take the friction out of daily cooking to unlock your most vibrant self.

Leave diet culture in the dust.


"Real food, I've found, is actually better than dieting." 

Angelina Jolie

Real food cooking without recipes
Real food cooking without recipes

Your kitchen is a tool for remarkable consistency.


"We've been so disconnected from food. We spend more time on dieting than on cooking."

Alice Waters

Think and shop in systems.

"Simple ingredients prepared in a simple way - that's the best way to take your everyday cooking to a higher level."

Jose Andres

FOOD IS SELF-CARE (when it's done like this)

Would you like more energy, good sleep, clear thinking, great skin, a stable mood, and simple weight control?

Then, get in the kitchen.


What can I expect?
REAL Food Doesn't Need Tracking

Food is what you count, track, deny, make.

Moderation and pleasure are baked in.


Imagine eating food you never have to calculate, measure, or worry about.

Thinking about food as calories is joyless and unnecessary. Real food works hand and glove with your body.

This means you can take pleasure in eating when you're hungry and easily stop when you've had enough.

That's the life-changing magic of eating real food every day. 

Who is Rebecca?
Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question after reading this FAQ that wasn't answered, please contact me before signing up.

You can expect to:

  • Learn a modular and endlessly adaptable approach to cooking.
  • Take the guesswork out of choosing healthy foods.
  • How to set up and use your kitchen to make real food meals on the fly.
  • Know what to keep on hand to create high-impact flavors.
  • Ditch gadgets and learn what tools you actually need.
  • Make meal planning a breeze by shopping in ingredient groups. 

  • Enjoy a new sense of calm around food.

COOK! For Health

'Cooking this way isn't better because it's easy.

It's easy because it's better.' 

Michael H.

Scrolling recipes is exhausting.

Prepared food is expensive and unhealthy.  


Here's your solution.


397 USD

One Payment → Lifetime Access

  • A roadmap to healthy eating
  • Low-glycemic, so you can listen to your hunger
  • Learn to shop and cook in systems
  • Quit wasting money on meal plans and takeout
  • LOVE what you eat

I'm Rebecca Thomas

My mission is to end generational diet culture by making a healthy weight clear, achievable, and, in this case, delicious.

I consider cooking essential to every aspect of my well-being. My kitchen is ground zero for a peaceful, nourishing relationship with food. 

But, I don't have time or patience for intense planning, spending weekends meal prepping, or searching for a recipe to execute at the end of a long day.

I developed this system to prepare real food every day with every meal. It's exactly how I feed myself and essential for my healthy weight.

If you want to eat well, know you're doing something great for your body, and feel confident in the kitchen, I can help you. I’m an absolute pro at this. My approach is unique and honed over a lifetime.
