"The program is transformational!
Lucky that I picked something so unique, effective, honest, and deep. What you're doing is disruptive, it's turning weight loss on its head!"
Susan D.
Meet Susan.
She's 68 years old, lives in London, and struggled with her weight since early childhood (a lifetime!).
She was treated for kidney disease between the ages of 3-7, which caused weight gain that led to being bullied as a child.
At the age of 16, Susan's slender mother (who didn't like Susan's chubby body) took her to Weight Watchers, where the push and pull with food began and lasted well into adulthood. "I tried many, many times to lose weight, you know, every program you can think of [even weight loss] drugs...I'd think, oh, I have to try something else because I'm an indomitable trier."
But Susan isn't "trying" anymore; she's succeeding.