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Is Menopause Making Me Fat?
Menopause is a hot topic (cue the flash joke).
Unfortunately, that hasn't resulted in helpful information for women and their weight. Instead, it's turned into an echo chamber reinforcing gender stereotypes and bad...
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The Critical Flaw With Intuitive Eating
Intuitive Eating has a pretty sexy premise, you can eat whatever you want without rules or constraints. You can also skip quality judgments, meaning there are no good or bad foods (something referred to as the...
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Why Is My Willpower So Weak?
All of modern weight loss (except our approach) is built on willpower–that's exactly why the results are so dismal.
Put another way, willpower-based methods manufacture shame by ensuring failure.
The common...
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Is Ozempic Just Another Diet? Why That Matters
Ozempic is inescapable, but is it a good idea?
It's all over the news, friends are taking it, and it's now offered alongside Botox at med spas. It's come up in group coaching in our main program. Hell, even our...
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Why Do I Eat So Much? Some Real Answers
Have you heard the advice, everything in moderation?Total nonsense.
Modern food is designed to tinker with your satiation and self-control (and then we blame ourselves).
In this episode, Rebecca dives into food...
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How Calorie Counting Hurts You ( While Locking You Into Chronic Weight Gain )
Modern weight loss is built on calorie counting and calorie restriction. This is precisely why it’s such a failure.
In this episode, I delve into the actual effects of calorie counting (and, by extension, food...
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Calorie Counting Is A Diet Culture Scheme
It's taken as gospel that the road to weight loss is knowing your calorie expenditure and intake. So, why does this practice fail to deliver a stable, healthy weight?
Rates of regain are a staggering 90% or more. And...
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How Weight Loss (Without Dieting) Lasts
If you've ever wondered how some people lose weight and keep it off, this episode is for you.
The clues are in the process itself.
A process rooted in gentle permanence creates joy and makes weight loss...
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Why Your Last (And Every) Diet Failed
Have you ever thought, "If I could just stick to the plan..." then this is the episode you need to hear.
Diets employ magical thinking and create shame. They're temporary by design.
This episode will help you...
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Tell Me The Thing (To Lose Weight)
Do you ever wish someone would just say what the thing is between you and lasting weight loss?
Show me the obstacle isn't the craziest request (especially if it's been epically frustrating), but even if you get an...
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The End of Nonsense.
Does your weight feel like an endless puzzle you just can't seem to solve?
Whether you've struggled over a lifetime or just the last few years, this podcast will help you understand the issues in an entirely different...
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