Read To COOK!?

Why am I Hungry an Hour After Eating?

hunger sugar whole foods

This loaf of bread has added sugar. Why? 

1. Arnolds Organic Whole Grain Bread

2. Looks promising.

โœ… Whole Grain

The label tells the real story. 

3. Let’s examine.

The label reveals the truth.

  • There are 3 kinds of sneaky sugars added to this bread.
  • 1 slice of this bread means ingesting 4g of sugar.
  • 4 grams = 1 teaspoon of sugar.
  • One sandwich (contents not included) is 33% of your suggested TOTAL sugar intake for the day or 2 full teaspoons of sugar.

What’s the significance?

If you’ve ever eaten a sandwich only to feel hungry an hour later, the sneaky sugars are why.

We built a FREE workshop to show you a different (and much better way to lose weight).  

You'll learn these insights:

1. The exact way to make healthy eating a breeze—without relying on willpower (or motivation) at ALL

2. How to spot what’s really sabotaging your self-control (and keeping you STUCK) without having to go on another diet
3. How to ENJOY your food–without measuring, weighing, or counting a thing


"What a terrific presentation! I wish it had been available to me years ago.- Kathleen

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