Most people only gain a few pounds over the Holiday season, but here's the kicker–those pounds are a primary contributor to lifetime weight gain.
"The only problem is that the holidays probably account for much of a person’s annual weight gain over the course of a lifetime." NY...
You not only can but should.
90% of people who lose weight on a diet watch it creep back on within a year. Slowly at first and then all of a sudden. Sometimes, more than before.
If one of them is you, here's some information to relieve you of the guilt and shame.
No diet was going to keep...
The problem is in plain sight.
How much of your food is processed, and do you understand what that's doing to you?
“I want to eat naturally and be able to stop when I’m not hungry anymore.”
Seems reasonable. The daily struggle to keep yourself from eating too much is a...
Your understanding of weight gain is incorrect and it’s trapping you in an endless struggle.
The way we understand weight is informed by diet culture.
I spend a considerable amount of time trying to communicate how wrong our societal ideas about weight gain are. The problem is that I’m...
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